Friday, November 20, 2015

Thank You...and Good Night

Well all good things must end right? We started this adventure wanting to share our passion for a movie "Twilight". We weren't intending for it to be anything more, but Ms. Cobi saw the potential in our events. We could have a BLAST, put out a fun affair, and raise money or goods for a GREAT cause. So, that is just what we did. Eight movie premieres later and what we have collectively done is donated loads of canned food, gifts, toys, and supplies to various organizations, collected more than 25,000 dollars in the name of Autism, and all the while making memories with friends and family to last a life time. There are many that stuck with us from the beginning to the end and we cannot thank you enough for your time, dedication, and good nature. What a wild ride. Hopefully we will see you soon, but not too soon. ;)
Thank you to our amazing sponsors for again treating our guests to some ridiculously fabulous prizes:

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

MockingJay II Premiere

We had our final event tonight. MockingJay II did not disappoint. We had a great crowd, great sponsors, great movie, and tons of fun. Tonight we were missing 2 of our SagaGirls *Kelli & *Paul. It's hard to not have our full crew with us. We can feel their absence. Thanks for all our sponsors and friends that helped support our event. It really was a great finale.